The Australian Green Growers
The short story...
Australian Green Growers is a small organic farm, certified since 1991.
We produce...
Vegetables (mixed)
Local farms and processors we buy from
Labertouche Organic Farm, Mock Orchards (Red Hill)
Our Services
Farm/Orchard, Retailer
Address: 574 Woori Yallock Rd Cockatoo 3781Email:
Business Phone: 0417637375
Payment Options: Cash, Card
Opening Hours:
Tuesday (9am–5pm)
Thursday (9am–5pm)
Saturday (9am–1pm)
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We supply local markets and home delivery service. We have a farm gate stall selling all of our seasonally-grown produce that we harvest and package ourselves. Our ethos from the beginning has been to supply people with delicious produce that is both good for them, but also good for the land for future generations.