Orchard End Farm
The short story...
We are certified organic with NASAA for blueberries, garlic and other herbs and vegetables along with a beef enterprise which is all grass fed.
We produce...
Beef, Blueberries, Garlic, Nuts (other), Preserves & spreads, Vegetables (mixed)
Selling at:
Summer Snow (Officer), Nar Nar Goon Farmers Cafe, Thriving Foods Farm (Iona), Green Soul Organics (Beaconsfield)
Our Services
Address: 55 Number Five Drain Road Bayles 3981Email: sue@orchardendfarm.com.au
Business Phone: 0418 262 763
Payment Options: Cash
Opening Hours:
Notice: As our products are grown seasonally, please get in touch to arrange a visit to the farm-gate.
For wholesale customers, please send an email to arrange an order.
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Orchard End Farm is a multi enterprise farming business. We started on a smaller farm in KWR and moved to a larger farm 6 years ago. We have a blueberry plantation of 1100 bushes across 3 varieties - Northland, Brigitta and Legacy which all ripen at different times during the season. The blueberry season is from mid December through to mid February. Our garlic is a mixture of Italian purple, Australian purple and an "artichoke" variety. The garlic cloves are planted mid April and harvested in early December. It is then cured for 4 - 6 weeks before being available for sale. We have Limousin breeders that are currently crossed with a red Angus bull. We produce between 30 and 40 calves.